Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Caramelized Onions and Cheddar Breadcrumbs
- Prep Time
- Minutes
- 1 lb Brussels Sprouts, cleaned and quartered
- 1 C Onion, julienned
- 2 C Fresh French Bread, cubed
- 1 C Adams Reserve Cheddar, grated
- 4 T Butter
- 1 t Fresh Thyme, leaves only
- 2 T Fresh Parsley, chopped
- 1 ½ t Kosher Salt
- ¼ t Fresh Ground Black Pepper
- Best Served Warm!
- This delectable dish will enthuse vegetarians and carnivores alike. Pairing creamy Adam’s Reserve Cheddar with hearty French bread crumbs and flavorful Brussels Sprouts is a guaranteed crowd pleaser.
- Choose sprouts that are uniform in size to encourage even cooking and happier taste buds. When baking, watch for slightly browned edges and tender centers to ensure a perfect sprout. Overcooked sprouts create a pungent odor and gray color.
- Preheat the oven to 375°F. Melt the butter and toss it with the sprouts, onions, salt and pepper. Transfer mixture to a cookie sheet and spread evenly. Roast in oven, stirring occasionally until sprouts are browned, slightly fragrant and tender. Remove from oven and transfer to an ovenproof serving dish. Reserve until ready to serve. This portion can be covered and refrigerated for up to 24 hours.
- To assemble breadcrumbs, pulse the cubed bread in a food processor for about 15 seconds, or until the bread resembles small peas. Add in cheddar and fresh herbs and pulse for another 15-20 seconds ensuring herbs and cheese are well incorporated.
- When ready to serve, sprinkle the cheddar breadcrumbs over the Brussels sprouts and bake at 375°F for approximately 15 minutes. The sprouts should be hot throughout and breadcrumbs golden brown. Serve warm.
- Healthy Tip: Brussels Sprouts are packed with sulforaphane, which is believed to have potent anticancer properties.
- Servings : 4-6
- Course : Side Dishes
- Recipe Type : Bread, Holiday, Vegetarian/Vegetable
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