
In the small town of Adams, New York, milk from the finest dairy farms is transformed daily into this mouth-watering Cheddar. The ideal agricultural conditions found in upstate New York are a key part of what gives Adams Reserve Cheddar its distinct flavor. This is a place where Old World craftsmanship is blended with modern technology to produce this award winning cheese.

Adams Reserve Cheddar is a product of Great Lakes Cheese, Inc. In 2018 Great Lakes Cheese celebrated its 60th anniversary. For more information about Great Lakes Cheese, click here.

Award Winning Cheddar

U.S. Championship Cheese Contest
Best in Class

World Cheese Championship
Gold, Silver, Bronze

American Cheese Society

New York State Fair
Gold, Silver


Our cheddar is a nutrient-intensive food…a prime source of high quality protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin (B2 and B12). It’s also power-packed with energy, giving you a great “picker upper” whenever you need it. Adams Reserve Cheddar is made with vegetable-based starter culture, has absolutely no trans fats, and is gluten-free.

High in Calcium
Just one ounce of Cheddar provides between 200 to 300 mg of calcium – or about 20 to 30% of an adult’s daily requirement.
—- National Dairy Council

Low in Lactose
Adams Reserve, like all hard, naturally-aged Cheddars, Parmesan and Swiss, is naturally low in lactose – generally only 0.4 to 1 gram per ounce – making it easily digestible, except for the most severe lactose-intolerant people.
—- American Dairy Association

Cheddar Tops Yogurt
In recent tests, mature, naturally-aged cheddars like ours were found to equal or surpass yogurt as a delivery system of probiotic microorganisms that promote healthy gastrointestinal functioning.
—- Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 82, No. 7, 1999

Fights Tooth Decay
Numerous tests have shown that cheddar cheese helps fight tooth decay in two important ways: 1) as a nutrient, it promotes remineralizing (or hardening) of tooth enamel; and 2) when eating, it helps “wash” away harmful acids in the mouth that cause tooth decay.
—- Dental Practice, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2000


See the Whole Product Line

Whether you’re cooking, snacking, pairing, or grilling… we have the right size cut for you. See our whole product line here.

Giving Back

At Adams Reserve, we believe in giving back. Supporting our local communities is a part of who we are. We are pleased to have supported many worthwhile charities through the years, including:

Friends of WomenSafe
WomenSafe, Inc. is a non-profit domestic violence shelter and resource center for survivors of domestic violence.

The Yoder Brothers Memorial Scholarship
The Yoder Brothers Foundation offers college scholarships to senior student-athletes. Seven four-year scholarships and one trade/technical school grant are given annually.

Beth Ann Vanek This Means War Against Breast Cancer Inc.
A non-profit organization dedicated to helping breast cancer survivors with lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses that are not covered by insurance.

Lake – Geauga Habitat for Humanity
Lake-Geauga Habitat for Humanity helps build homes for families in need.

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and provide those living with the disease the opportunity to lead fill, productive lives.

Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland
The Ronald McDonald House charities offer support for families whose children are receiving medical treatment at area hospitals.

Greater Cleveland Food Bank
The Greater Cleveland Food Bank is the largest hunger relief organization in Northeast Ohio, providing millions of meals hungry people in Northeast Ohio